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Organometallic Catalysis Lab at SKKU


​More Info? 화학세계 (23년 9월 호) -우리 연구실은요 (Link!)


The Shin group is looking for highly-motivated students!

우리 연구실은 연구실의 시작과 함께 성장해 나갈 대학원생 및 학부생을 모집합니다. 우리 연구실에서 학생들은 유기합성, 촉매반응 디자인 및 촉매 시스템에 대한 유기금속화학적 메커니즘 연구에 대해 배우게 될 것입니다. 유기금속화학적 지식을 기반으로 한 새로운 촉매 반응 개발에 열정 및 관심이 있는 대학원생 및 학부생들은 e-mail (을 통해 지원해주시길 바랍니다.

The Shin group is looking for highly motivated students (both undergrad and graduate students) with interests in organic synthesis, catalysis design and systematic organometallic study on a catalytic system. Please do not hesitate to contact Kwangmin via e-mail ( if you are interested!


Latest News

Yujin and Dohyun
 have successfully defended their master's theses! Congratulations to both of them!

Seungdae, Baeho and Dohyun
's review paper has now accepted to ACS Catalysis. Congratulations to all!(Find more on 'Publications' Section!) 


Yoonho and Yujin's review paper has now accepted to Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry
. Congratulations to all!(Find more on 'Publications' Section!) 

We are glad to be able to participate as a member of Asymmetric Catalysis Design Center  [SRC (선도연구센터), Head: Prof. Do Hyun Ryu, SKKU)], supported by National Research Foundation (NRF)!


Jieun and Jihye officially graduated with a master degree. Congratulations! Hope all is well in your future!


Anup, Jieun, and Baeho's paper has now accepted to Organic Letters. Congratulations to all!(Find more on 'Publications' Section!) 

Jieun's paper has now accepted to ACS Catalysis (contributed as a co-author). This work was done by in collaboration with Prof. Hyunwoo Kim lab. Congratulations to all!
(Find more on 'Publications' Section!) 

Jihye, Jieun, and Yoonho's paper has now accepted to Organic Letters. Congratulations!
(Find more in '
Publications' section!)

Our group attended 129th General Meeting of the KCS in Jeju.

Jihye got the poster award! (Check our gallery for more details)

Seungdae has joined our group as a graduate student. Welcome!

Yoon Ho has joined our group as a graduate student. Welcome aboard!

Baeho has joined our group as a graduate student. Welcome aboard!

We are happy to welcome our undergraduate researchers, Samuel and Jiwon!

Our research team (with Prof. Sang-gi Lee group, Prof. Hyunwoo Kim group @ Ewha Woman's University, and Prof. Boyoung Park group @ Kyunghee University, Leader: Prof. Sang-gi Lee) has been selected as Basic Research Laboratory (BRL, 기초연구실), supported by National Research Foundation (NRF)!


We are happy to welcome David Kim and Dr. Anup Mandal!

Jihye has joined the group as a graduate student. Welcome!

Prof. Shin was selected as a recipient of POSCO Science Fellowship! [Link 1] [Link 2]

Still more way to go, but our lab is now almost locked and loaded for our new journey!
Check out our gallery!

Jieun has joined the group as a graduate student. Welcome aboard!

The Shin Group

OrgAnometallic Catalysis Laboratory

Department of Chemistry, Sungkyunkwan University

Suwon, South Korea 

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